Serving nationwide clients in plan design, cost analysis, benchmarking, mergers & acquisitions, claim analysis, pharmacy consulting, and employee communication services.

For 30 years we have advised on hundreds of defined contribution and defined benefit plans nationwide since the inception of 401(k) plans. FM provides independent third party fund evalution and plan design advice targeting succesful partcipant outcomes, while assisting with ongoing plan upkeep and maintenance.

FM provides full healthcare reform analytics & recommendations to help our clients better understand the ever-changing healthcare landscape (i.e., new taxes and fees, "Pay or play", how the exchanges work, employee and employer impact, etc.).

Serving nationwide clients in plan design, cost analysis, benchmarking, mergers & acquisitions, claim analysis, pharmacy consulting, and employee communication services.
Our Mission
Our commitment is to create a partnership with our clients to establish a meaningful and successful benefits program through our assurance of client support, innovative solutions, and an excellent level of service.
Business Solutions
Our services in Health and Welfare Plans, Retirement Plans, and Human Resources Support are based on years of experience, creative thinking, and remaining accountable to measureable results.